Homa Bay County Water and Sanitation Company (HOMAWASCO) staff warmly welcomed a delegation from Dunea, Eng. Piet Heij(Project Manager) and Michael Van den Boom for the Tumiza Usafi Project (TUP) 6th mission, which will be focused on Makongeni Project Works and Mid-Term Review Meeting.
The mission is scheduled to run for one week, starting from 19th to 26th June 2024.quat mauris aliquet tellus feugiat accumsan. Nam tincidunt dolor vel auctor imperdiet. Duis egestas ut ante eget ermentum. Donec eget elit eget urna mattis sagittis eu eget dui. Phasellus quis tortor nec nisi rhoncus condimentum tempor eu leo. Suspendisse at cursus risus.